6 Tips You Need to Follow to Maintain Good Health in Quarantine

As of May 20, all states in the United States had begun the process of reopening after the majority had enacted government-imposed shutdowns to combat the spread of COVID-19. These shutdowns, while necessary to mitigate the catastrophic effects of the coronavirus, have resulted in millions of job losses and widespread economic panic. Two months after the national shutdown was implemented, more than 36 million Americans had filed for unemployment.

Despite gradual reopening measures and policies, it's still necessary to practice social distancing and avoid going out for non-essential reasons. Many, especially those with pre-existing conditions, have spent the majority of their time inside since the start of the shutdown. This can have debilitating effects on one's physical and mental health. Below are six tips to stay healthy in the social distancing era:

1. Establish and Follow Routines

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' National Compensation Survey, in 2019 approximately 7 percent of civilian workers in the US were able to work from home. That number has risen sharply in the social distancing era. Those who have been able to enjoy this flexibility should consider themselves lucky considering the unemployment rate, but that doesn't mean they are free of challenges. Working from home can present a variety of issues, especially for individuals and families with children who don't have access to child care.

Setting and following a routine can help establish a sense of normalcy and order in the household. This relates to being productive with work and keeping children engaged and occupied but also to physical and mental health. As part of a routine, plan and cook meals with your children and make a consistent effort to socialize with friends and family in an acceptable manner that adheres to social distancing guidelines. Staying at home for an extended period might also interrupt your sleep habits, but it's important to still try and get between seven and eight hours of sleep per night.

2. Get Moving

Regular exercise is critical to boosting not only your physical health but your mental and emotional health as well. A lack of open gyms and parks doesn't mean you need to forego exercise. Consider looking up online yoga or other exercise classes to stay active. And, with the gradual easing of lockdown-related restrictions, it's possible to even go hiking with friends and family so long as you follow social distancing guidelines. You can even do at-home exercises that don’t require any equipment, such as planks, back extensions, squats, and side knee lifts.

"It doesn't have to be strenuous exercise," explains Michigan Medicine dietitian Sue Ryskamp. "Take a walk to the mailbox or walk the dog. Just remember, it's important to stay active to enhance your wellbeing and your immune system. By staying active, you'll be able to do many of the things that bring enjoyment to your life."

3. Get Sun

Vitamin D is an important element in boosting mood and improving your immune response. Staying inside, naturally, can lead to vitamin D deficiencies, but there are several ways to get sufficient vitamin D while practicing social distancing. Walking in your neighborhood, going for hikes, or even spending time in your yard is a good way to do so. Those who feel uneasy about going outside can open windows and shades and sit in sunny areas of their residence.

You can also consume foods rich in vitamin D such as salmon, mackerel, butter, eggs, and mushrooms. Drinking orange juice and some dairy products can also help in that regard.

4. Avoid Overindulging in Unhealthy Food

These are stressful times, but it's important to practice healthy responses like exercising and practicing mindfulness rather than stress eating or indulging in alcohol. Junk food like candy and chips can be okay in moderation, but over-consumption will affect your mental and physical health. Too much alcohol and junk food can even compromise your body's ability to fight off infection. Instead, try and stick to a well-balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables, plant and animal proteins, and whole grains.

5. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is a critical health measure, and it can be achieved by simply drinking water. According to the European Food Safety Authority, male and female adults need 2 and 1.6 liters of water per day, respectively. Among other benefits, drinking the required amount of water can help lubricate joints, improve skin health, provide cushion to sensitive tissues, maintain blood pressure, and support the digestive system.

6. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness comes in a variety of forms and can be especially helpful in alleviating stress and promoting a sense of calmness. Take time out of your day to make mindfulness part of your daily routine, whether it's through practicing yoga, taking an Epsom salt bath, listening to music, or dancing. Meditating can also be helpful. For those who haven't tried meditating, several apps offer free meditation content.